Disk Bays View
Disk Bays view displays disks attached to bays and configured in the Disk Layout Editor. Bays are grouped by their row, colored by the batch color, and show disk information. During operations with a disk, the operation status and progress displayed on Disk Bay.

Customize menu
- New Layout Wizard
- Launches the Disk Bay Layout Wizard
- Import Layout
- Imports saved (previously exported) layout form file having .dbl extension
- Export Layout as..
- Exports custom layout to file having .dbl extension
- Show Partitions
- Show or hide additional layout for partitions and volumes
- Toggle Rows as Columns
- This setting can be toggled on/off to display the rows (defined by the Disk Bay Layout) as columns in the Disk Bays view
- Show Disk Bays in Tree View
- Switches Disk Bays view to tree view for user convenience and customization related to the one configured in Disk Layout Editor
- Edit Disk Bay Layout
- Opens Disk Layout Editor for current layout customization or creating a new layout